Thursday, September 6, 2012

Vocabulary #2

1) Intercede: Intervene on behalf of another.
2) Hackneyed: Lacking significance through having been overused.
3) Approbation: The action of taking something for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.
4) Innuendo: An allusive or oblique remark or hint
5)Coalition: An Allience for combined action.
6) Elicit : Evoke or draw out.
7) Hiatus: A pause or gap.
8) Assuage: Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense: "the letter assuaged the fears of most members".
9) Decadence: Moral or cultural decline, esp. after a peak of achievement.
10) Expostulate: Express strong disapproval or disagreement.
11) Simulate: Imitate the appearance or character of.
12) Jaded: Tired, bored,
13) Umbrage: Offense or annoyance
14) Prerogative: A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.
15) Lurid: Very vivid in color, esp. so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect
16) Transcend: Be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).
17) Provincial: Of or concerning a provinence of a country or empire.
18) Petulant: Childlishly sulky or bad- tempered.
19) Untuous: Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering
20) Meritorious: Deserving reward or praise.

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